Get to know me Better

I’m glad to share that I got interviewed by Blogespresso. I talked about my writing journey and book, The Shadow of the Rowan Tree.


1. Please introduce yourself so that the readers will get to know you better. 
My name is Florie Parker, which is the pen name I have chosen for my trilogy of children’s fantasy books. Florie was my father’s grandmother and Parker is my mum’s maiden name. I am a mother of four and work as an orthopaedic surgeon for the NHS in the UK. I enjoy walking my dog, running, cooking and skiing. I am a true believer!

2. What is your inspiration behind your book “The Shadow Of The Rowan Tree”?
Just over two years ago I changed my job at work and literally overnight decided I wanted to write a book! I didn’t quite know what I wanted to write about, but on long dog walks the idea of writing about a parallel fairy world came to being. Inspired by my own personal experiences and those I have observed of my entertaining children, the story of Daisy and Margot appeared.

3. When did you realize you want to be an author of this Book?
I think the book found me!

4. Are you planning to release your next book soon?
The second book in the trilogy, ‘Escape to Dorland’ is currently with the publishers production team.

5. For which age group your books are suitable?
The story is aimed at 9-11 year olds (and all other believers!).

6. What is your favorite Quote?
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams – Eleanor Roosevelt

7. What do you like the most about your country?
I most enjoy the changing seasons and our British heritage.

8. What suggestion you want to give to parents of little readers regarding a reading habit?
Make reading a habit! Start early – little and often, at a regular time of the day (for us, snuggled on the sofa after supper!) 

9. What does literary success look like to you?
Someone (literally anyone!) enjoying my story and allowing themselves the time to believe in dreams.

10. Lastly, who is your inspiration in life and why?
I am surrounded by inspiring people. Whether it be my family, friends, patients or colleagues, I have much to learn from all. I try to take time to listen and find what I can learn from others is truly inspirational!

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